(303) 818-0555

Halloween has been very hit-and-miss in the workplace, in my experience. Some companies really promote it by buying pounds and pounds of candy and giving out prizes for the best costumes. Some companies don’t celebrate it at all with the mindset of “Please don’t bring candy here! I am trying so hard to stick to my diet!”

But this year, there is something in the air. The fall is so beautiful, the air is calm, and winter is late to the party. Most of my clients are in the mood to do something different, like celebrate.

Here are some of the comments that I have heard from my clients:

“I started buying chocolate mid- September. I NEVER do that!”

“This year, by God, I am dressing up for Halloween. I haven’t done that in a decade.”

We have all been walking around in a Zombie fog since the beginning of the pandemic. In many countries, Halloween is the beginning of the New Year, and it definitely feels that way now. We are all tired of walking around half-dead in a zombie state and looking ghostly on a zoom call.

So, this year, I encourage you to step out of the norm. Make the effort to celebrate in a way that you haven’t done in a long time. Buy the candy and the costume and engage with your employees like you haven’t been able to in a while. After all, the zombie in all of us needs to wake up.


Power Thought: Don’t ghost Halloween this year!