(303) 818-0555

Right before the holidays, I had a potential client call me frustrated with an employee. “I just gave out bonuses, and she wants more money…I don’t know what to do!”

Having seemingly entitled employees is a hot topic of conversation these days. Here are my thoughts:

 An entitled employee is in the wrong job.

Think about it.

When an employee is in a job that they love, they are happy. They think about the work that they “get to do”, not what they “have to do”. They may ask for a raise or for more vacation time, but rarely are these on the forefront of their minds. They are excited to work every day because they are passionate about their objectives. They feel confident and are thriving.

But when they are not happy in their jobs? They will do anything to keep themselves engaged. They think that money will make them happy. They think that more time off will make them happy. Or free movie tickets, a gift certificate for a massage or getting to work from home.  But in the end, if they are not enjoying their jobs anymore, have a conversation with these employees about doing

something else or let them go.

Nothing can make up for doing work that they do not enjoy, and I do mean nothing!

So, when you have an entitled employee, don’t talk about more money, benefits, working from home, etc. It won’t help and only increases frustration for both you and your employee. Instead, talk about the job duties, and ask if this is really the work they love. If it’s not? Either move them to a position that is right for them or help them transition out gracefully.

And remember: you as the employer are entitled to an employee who wants to do the job you are offering.