(303) 818-0555

Let’s talk about the heavy bag…the bane of my existence. I am learning how to box, and last week, I had a particularly bad workout with the bleeping heavy bag. I was coming off a week with lots of physical activity, and I hadn’t slept well the night before. All in all, the stars aligned for a bad workout, and frustration took over. When things weren’t going the way I wanted, I broke down in tears over the $#%@! heavy bag.

My trainer, who is an accomplished boxer himself, pulled me aside and said “Everyone needs a Corner Man. Someone who is in your corner, pushing you when you need it, giving you water and a towel at the bell, and cheering you on in your hard moments.”  These words really resonated with me, because I think everyone needs this reminder from time to time – both in business and in life.

I have often seen that level of frustration happen in hiring.  A candidate that you thought would be amazing backs out at the last minute. The one applicant that you wanted to hire blows an interview. You have eight interviews scheduled in a day, and no one makes the cut. What most people do in this moment is give up and “just hire someone already’, when this is the time to keep pushing forward.  After all, dealing with people is always unpredictable, and situations arise that you don’t expect. A Corner Man knows just when to step in and remind you that the time to stay strong is now, because to give up will only lead to more frustration and eventual regret that you gave up.

If you find yourself completely frustrated with the hiring process, and are ready to throw in the towel, I can help.  I would be honored to be your Corner Man, to cheer you on and remind you that the right person is out there for you if you just keep pushing forward.

In the meantime, I am back on the (damn) heavy bag with my trainer in my corner.

Happy Hiring!