(303) 818-0555


success1For the past few weeks, I have been visiting my clients to get quotes for my upcoming book about the interview process. The success stories have been awesome to hear, like the one from my client Steve. He and I hired his right hand employee a little over 2 years ago. Steve is reporting that he now has the drama- free office environment that he has always wanted. As a matter of fact, he now takes Fridays off and is making more money! To give you an example of just how great it is to be Steve, he faces a bi-annual audit as he is in the financial industry. The audit process has typically taken about 4 hours with the auditor and several weeks of Steve’s time to prepare. This last audit took 45 minutes and Steve’s employee prepared the entire document.

Lesson learned: Great hires = more time and more money.

Are you ready to get started on your A-list hire?