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Unless you have been living under a rock lately, you have heard of Taylor Swift and her Eras tour. Recently, she played 2 shows at Mile High stadium in Denver. My daughter, Katy, and her college friend Ash spent months getting ready for this concert, by carefully choosing their outfits, making friendship bracelets spelling out names of the songs, and planning logistics. 

In addition, they stood in line the day before the concert for four plus hours to get merchandise, so that they didn’t have to carry sweatshirts around at the stadium. The girls created spreadsheets to figure out what surprise songs Taylor would play during the Denver concert. It was a production! 

What you may not know is the economic impact of this tour. 

According to this article in the Business Insider, Taylor may very well keep the US from going into a recession. https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/taylor-swifts-economic-impact-catches-attention-federal-reserve-hotel-revenue-2023-7#:~:text=%22The%20totality%20of%20Taylor%20Swifts%27%20U.S.%20tour%20could,Swift%20and%20her%20deeply%20loyal%20fans%20to%20thank 

“Swifites” have spent so much money on this concert that the FED is keeping an eye on it. They spent about $200 million in Denver alone! Even if you aren’t a fan of Taylor’s music, or even Taylor herself, you are reaping the benefits of her hard work. And it is all because one woman had the courage to relentlessly pursue her dream. Wow. 

At A-list Interviews, the third interview is solely dedicated to a candidate’s passion, because when you hire someone who LOVES their job, anything is possible. When you hire someone who is dedicated to their craft, they make better parents, better pet companions, better spouses and friends, and there is less road rage. And in Taylor’s case, even an economic boom is possible. 

So, your job, dear hiring manager, is to hire someone whose dream job is the one you are offering. And your job, dear candidate, is to pursue your dream job- one that is “Taylor-made” just for you. 


POWER THOUGHT: And do it “Swiftly.”