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There is no Talent War

tug_o_warLately I have seen several articles about how to win the so-called “Talent War” (see one of these articles here http://www.forbes.com/sites/georgebradt/2015/01/07/how-to-win-the-war-for-talent-in-2015/) and I just can’t stay quiet any more.

Folks, there IS no Talent War! This is a fear based myth created by someone who doesn’t like recruiting. Are there candidates who are not qualified that apply for your position? Yes. Are there people who walk into an interview and you KNOW that you wouldn’t hire them to walk you across the street? Yes. Do you have horror stories about interviewing people? Oh Gosh yes!

But then, after you have gone through the sometimes arduous interview process that feels like a war, you meet THE one! The person who comes in and owns your job like they were born to be there. The ONE who makes your job easy because they have your back and are capable and invested in their role within the organization. The single employee who within minutes makes you realize that you have a gem, and you suddenly find yourself so excited to get out there and do your REAL job!

There are 7 billion people on this earth, more people than ever in history, and you just need the one. The problem is not lack of talent, it is lack of an interview process to find that right person. Your person is out there somewhere, and they are looking for you – you just need the patience and the process to find them.