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Quiet Quitting is QUITE the trend

Quiet Quitting is QUITE the trend

I have a client who is really worried about “quiet quitting”, and he called me to discuss his concerns. I said, “do you know what quiet quitting is?” He said “Yes! It’s when employees quit working but are still on your payroll!” It’s easy to see why he is worried.

Quiet quitting is a very confusing term because it doesn’t involve employees actually leaving the company. According to this article, the more accurate term is “acting your wage” or doing nothing more than your job.


I really hate terms like this because it makes my clients super nervous. When the business leader in an organization is nervous, then everyone on staff gets nervous. And that makes “quiet quitting” a self-fulling prophecy.

Instead of fearing this trend, let’s re-frame it: What if quiet quitting is simply employees having better boundaries around work? What if employees stop killing themselves at work, and engage in more self-care? What if instead of focusing on ‘quitting” we focused on training and retention?

At the end of the day, whatever term you use, I want you to focus on being proactive and not reactive. When you as the leader are proactive, you are calmer, and that feeling eases the tension for your staff.

POWER THOUGHT: Quiet quitting is quite the trend. Just maybe not the trend that you thought.

Speaker School

Speaker School

As many of you know, this past April I became a proud graduate of the Mikki Williams Speaker School. I flew to Naples, Florida and attended three days’ worth of speaker tutelage. In addition, I met some of the most amazing people in my speaker class. I returned to work the following week with a new lease of life and my work and with brand new connections with incredible new people.

Why am I discussing this with you?

Because professional development of your people is one of the most impactful ways to keep your employees happy and working for you. Read this article for the 15 benefits of professional development:

15 Reasons Why Professional Development Is Important?

All of my clients are worried about keeping their good employees, especially in the era of The Great Resignation and professional development is a great way to ensure loyalty to you. In addition, you have employees with new and improved skills, like public speaking. With well- rounded, highly skilled employees on your team, you can accomplish any goal you choose. What could be better than that?

POWER THOUGHT: If you want to keep your people, teach them something new, like how to speak in public. Win/Win

Why Your Employees Feel Unappreciated

Why Your Employees Feel Unappreciated

Last week in my Vistage meeting, one of my colleagues brought up that she is hearing about lots of employees who feel unappreciated, and she asked our group what we thought was going on.

Back when we had paper checks that we handed out to employees every Friday or every other Friday, the boss would go around the office and hand each employee their check. The boss would look the employee in the eye, shake their hand and say “thank you, employee for all the work you did this week! I so appreciate you!” or something along those lines. Right then, the employee mentally connected the paycheck that they received to their performance that pay period.

Now we have direct deposit.

The employee receives their pay in their account, which is convenient, but it eliminates that crucial appreciation conversation that they had with their manager. There is a big disconnect from their money to their performance.

One way to change this situation is to bring back the Friday thank you’s. Every time your employees get paid, make it a habit to go to their desk and say “today is payday, and I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you working for me. I couldn’t do it without you.”

Simple gratitude for them as employees should be associated with their paycheck. It isn’t hard, and it matters to your people.

POWER THOUGHT: Use payday as an opportunity to connect with your people and express your gratitude.

When You Need to Hire Fast

When You Need to Hire Fast

Last week I had a client call me in a panic. He was about to lose a large government contract, because he hadn’t hired a much-needed engineer. We were in the process of filling the position, but we weren’t moving fast enough for the government. Now I have heard it all!

If you know me and my hiring philosophy at ALL, you know that I am not an advocate for fast hires. I believe very strongly that hiring fast means you will hire wrong. It is so easy to make mistakes when you move too quickly, and as Robert Plotkin states in his book Preventing Internal Theft, “It’s better to operate short-staffed for a period of time and rely on your existing staff than hiring someone unqualified or inappropriate for the establishment.”

However, no rule is correct or applicable 100% of the time.  When you are in the situation my client found himself in, and you are faced with losing a few million dollars in government contracts, you need to hire fast. My advice for this situation was hire someone quickly, get the position filled, AND continue to look for the right fit. If the quick-hire person works out, (and it does about 1/3 of the time) then wonderful. Everyone is happy. If they don’t work out, remember this was a short-term solution, and be grateful for that.

Hire fast when absolutely necessary. Hire right for long-term success.

2019 New Year’s Resolution: Diet, Exercise, Fire Someone

2019 New Year’s Resolution: Diet, Exercise, Fire Someone

It has become an annual tradition to remind my community to let go of those on your team who are not performing.Happy New Year 2019!

As we begin each new year, many of us take the opportunity to re-group and redefine goals for our businesses. This time is often filled with renewed energy to get our lives and work in order. As a part of your new year’s goals, it might also be time to fire that one employee that is not contributing to your company’s vision.

The impact of an unengaged employee on your business can be catastrophic. Decreased productivity, lowered company morale, and miserable working environments have been common complaints by my clients as they come to the decision to relieve an employee. I say start the new year fresh!

For example, a past client had an employee who consistently gave the employer ultimatums. The threats were often“If you don’t do this, then I will quit.” Who wants to work with an individual who is constantly threatening you? The team was struggling to work with the individual, the employer was unhappy with the performance of the individual,yet the concept of firing and replacing this person seemed daunting and ill-timed. When my client finally became fed up, they did indeed fire the employee. I won’t sugar coat the transition. It was hard, uncomfortable and came at a terrible time, but my client knew that this was the right decision for the company.

In addition, the busiest day of the year for applicants looking for a job is the second Tuesday in January. Think about this: the people who are fed up with their work environments are also looking to make a change. So, if you want to start the New Year with someone who REALLY wants to work for you, now is the time.

Happy New Year!