(303) 818-0555

I attended a business meeting last week where several members talked about how scared they were with our economy and current state of affairs. One member said, “I just don’t know what is going to happen, and I am really scared about it.” 

Here is the bottom line that I hope will help you: I have owned businesses for 25 years. I have seen 9/11, 2008, 2013, and COVID. Each time I really thought the world was going to end, and it didn’t. I suffered many a sleepless night only to end up here today…still in business and loving it. 

Being in business for yourself or being in a stressful position is a mindset, and you have to constantly make sure that your mindset stays positive. Don’t ignore the facts and don’t ignore trends. Just don’t let it ruin your sleep. 

Mark LeBlanc gave me the best piece of business advice that I have ever heard: Each day, Monday through Friday, make 2 calls per day to whoever comes to your mind with absolutely no agenda. Just pick up the phone and say, “I was just thinking about you! How are you doing?” And listen intently to their responses. 

Then, look for miracles. Some examples of miracles:  you pull up to a parking meter and it still has time on it. You find $20.00 on the street. Your taxes aren’t as much as you thought they were going to be. You find a sale on your favorite products.

These actions cost you no money, and it will totally turn your day around. Then, you can make business decisions from a more logical and stable place. 

After all… life is supposed to be enjoyable, and so is your job. 


POWER THOUGHT: As the singer/songwriter Pitbull says: “Scared money don’t make money”. And boy is he right about that.