Did you know that the interview process is a great marketing tool? People who are genuinely interested in your company will apply for positions, not just those looking for a job. It’s possible to have an audience of up to 500 applicants who want to work for you. While you can’t possibly hire them all, you do have a powerful opportunity to make a long lasting impression.
If you respond to your applicants in a timely and courteous manner, they will remember. I have received hundreds of thank you notes for rejection letters. Because of the vulnerability of the candidates, you WILL make an impression on them. They may never want to frequent your business again because they felt they were treated poorly. They will also never forget how great you were because you kept them in the loop.
Somehow, we have gotten away from responding to our potential employees as potential customers. We have decided that we don’t have to respond to them, they don’t deserve a response or we don’t have the time or money to do it. The next wave of successful companies is those who invite people to apply and who respond to them along every step. Be Bold, Be Different and Respond!