(303) 818-0555

I hate to shop. I do mean that I HATE to shop! I hate everything about it: the time, the energy, having to try it on, having to take it back if it doesn’t fit. There is NOTHING that I like about shopping.

This past week I traveled to see one of my favorite clients out of state. She greeted me enthusiastically and said “You look so cute! Where do you get your clothes?!”

Funny story.

Last fall, Katy, my daughter, called me from a store and said “I found a really cute sweater that I think you might like. I am going to buy it and bring it home for you to try on. If you don’t like it, I will bring it back and return it.” I DID like it! A lot! So, I kept it. Then, Katy went back to that store and bought me some more clothes. I tried them on and kept most of them also. I had a new wardrobe, and I never had to shop.


My client turned to me after I told her this story and said, “Everybody needs a Katy.”

She is so right.

Katy has already gone shopping for me for summer clothes because she was worried that I “wouldn’t have anything to wear”.

Katy saw a project that needed to be done. She told me what she was going to do to solve the problem, and then she went out and did just that… solved the problem. We joke now that she is my personal shopper, and several of my friends have jokingly stated that they need her to shop for them too.

Can you imagine having an employee that sees a problem, then tells you how they are going to solve it for you?

When my client told me “Everybody needs a Katy,” she wasn’t joking!

And I do look really cute in my new clothes.


POWER THOUGHT: A really great employee takes a project and runs with it. “Shop” for candidates like that.