(303) 818-0555

Shake Out the Rug

Have you ever walked by a small dust bunny on the floor and thought “I should sweep that up.” Instead, you lift the corner of the rug and shove it underneath with your toe. Later, you take time to lift up the rug and are appalled by what you find! Hiring for a vacant position works much the same way.

When entering into the interview process, take the opportunity to evaluate and “sweep up” your job position to begin your search from a fresh perspective. Review the job description with the person who is exiting. Revisit how the open position fits into the company structure and make changes to its reporting requirements. Reinvent the duties, responsibilities, and expectations of the position to meet any progressive changes within the company. And shake out the rug by letting go of any residual bad feelings you may have about the previous employee, especially if the termination was unpleasant.

Cleaning your rug and sprucing up the position is not only necessary thing to do for the company, but it sets up your A-list Candidate for successful working experience.