Beth's blog
Interviewing Tips & TechniquesWhen You Hired a Cultural Terrorist
“I hired a Cultural Terrorist,” my client announced to me last week. “A cultural terrorist?” I repeated. “Yes,” my client lamented. “She was our top salesperson by a lot of money, but we simply couldn’t keep her anymore. She made everyone’s life here miserable,...
Refer a friend!
Do you know someone who could use help hiring the perfect candidate? Have you connected with a fellow business owner who is tired of sifting through resume after resume, wishing there was a better way? We're here to help! Here at A-list Interviews, we are passionate...
I have a killer tan!
My daughter Katy has 3 high school friends that I take on vacation every year. I absolutely love going on vacation with them, and this year, we went to Key West Florida to dig through the sand for seashells. Also every year, I worry about leaving on vacation. I worry...
Making Margaritas
When I owned my restaurant, we would have really busy times, and in those busy times, I would jump behind the counter and help my staff serve our customers. I was notorious for making margaritas by the bucket. I would go into the basement, get out the tequila, lime...
Should I Re-Hire a Former Employee?
I had a client call me last week with a question of whether or not to re-hire a former employee, and I am positive that he isn’t the only one thinking about it. In addition, it seems that employees are thinking about it too. According to Monster, 30% of former...
The Secret to Retention #4: Puppies!
Over Memorial Day weekend, my daughter, Katy, decided to foster a Mama dog and her four puppies. We spent 24 hours getting the house ready and drove to the Hylands area near Westminster, Colorado, to pick them up. Then, we spent Memorial Day doing nothing but sitting...
Can You do a Cartwheel?
As many of you know, my daughter, Katy has had several surgeries over the last 12 years, and as a kid, she never learned to do a cartwheel…until last week. Katy is a junior at the University of Miami and is right in the middle of finals. When she simply couldn’t study...
Wearing Jeans to the Gym
I am interviewing with one of my favorite clients for a high-level employee making in the 6 figures. A gentleman that we interviewed trashed his last boss, and then asked what type of product we sell. The name of the product is in the company name. He continued to ask...
The Secret to Retention Part 3: Show Them the Numbers
Good morning, New Employee! We are so glad that you are here and are excited to get you going on your training. First, I would like to tell you about the hiring process that we went through to find you. Here are the numbers: We had 297 applicants. We interviewed 49...
The Secret to Retention Part 2
As most of you know, my daughter, Katy, is a nursing major at the University of Miami. Now that she is finishing her junior year, she started applying for internships, and in the second week of January, she got hired at a rehab center, which is a coveted place to...