(303) 818-0555

Beth's blog

Interviewing Tips & Techniques
Why You MUST Have A Third Interview

Why You MUST Have A Third Interview

I received a call from a former client recently who is losing a valued employee. She said, “You know Beth, we weren’t using your process back then, and this employee would never have gotten past the third interview.” I said to her “Do you know why?” She said, “Yes!...

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I Have A Killer Tan – 2018

I Have A Killer Tan – 2018

I Have A Killer Tan! Last week, I sat on the beach with sand in my toes, wind in my hair, the ocean roaring in my ears, and a peacefulness that I rarely have.  I spent a 2-week vacation with my family, exploring colleges for my daughter, walking on the beach and...

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