(303) 818-0555

When I was a little girl, I attended a summer camp in the backwoods of Texas along the Guadalupe River. I learned how to ride horses at that camp, because that is what good Texas girls do!

During one of my very first times on a horse, I quickly turned around to talk to my friend behind me, and I accidently kicked my horse. (When you gently kick your horse, you are telling the horse to go). He started to move forward, and I fell off the back.

I got up, bruised and dirty, dusted myself off, and started walking toward the gate to leave. My instructor said “Where are you going? You gotta get back in that saddle!”

Oh, no. No way! No how! I had already decided my horseback riding career was over.

It took much convincing and bargaining for my instructor to get me back on that horse. She said “The longer you stay off the horse after a fall, the harder it is to get back up on it. It is scary, you are rattled. Don’t let that prevent you from trying again.”

Lately, we have all been knocked off our horses. The times we live in feel scary, and we are all rattled. So, today, do one thing that gets you closer to getting back on your horse. Call that client. Write that blog. Send a thank you to your favorite vendor. Take that one action that you have been putting off in order to get going again.

I did get back up on that horse, and boy am I glad I did! I won an award in the final summer rodeo, but I also learned a serious life lesson.

Get back in the saddle people! It’s time to ride. YEEHAW!