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For the first 2 weeks of August, I went on vacation on the beautiful Anna Maria Island in Florida. As an entrepreneur, it is always a struggle to take a real vacation. I worry that I am going to miss out on a big deal. I worry that my current clients will be upset. I worry that my colleagues won’t support my being away. I am certain that I am not alone in my worries.

But the benefits of vacation are now proven by science. According to this article, vacations are good for your heart. People who vacationed every year were 30% less likely to die of heart disease. https://www.goodrx.com/health-topic/mental-health/benefits-of-travel-vacation-good-health We sleep more and move more. Remember when we used to prioritize not sleeping and how harmful that was? Well, now vacation is getting the same bad rap, when in essence it is vital for our health.

So, this year, I decided to take a REAL vacation. I made it my mission to totally unplug and work on my tan. The first week, I didn’t do so hot. I had some meetings scheduled on that first Monday. Due to Hurricane Debby, I didn’t have internet and had to re-schedule them to Wednesday. I didn’t really relax those days, because I was still in work mode. But after that Wednesday, I closed my laptop and didn’t open it again until the Sunday night before work on Monday. Not bad!

How did I do it you ask? Here are some tips:
1) Insert a disclaimer: Eight weeks before my vacation, I put a disclaimer on my email signature line. In case I forgot to tell someone or if I was nervous to tell someone, it was on my signature.

2) Email coverage: I had my assistant cover my email. To be fully transparent, I also kept an eye on it on my phone, but I relied on others to alert me to things that needed my attention… which happened exactly ZERO times.

3) Adjust your mindset: Get it in my head that people can go 2 weeks without talking to me. Seriously. I am important, but not THAT important.

4) Set a vacation goal: Mine was to get the killer-est tan of all. And did I succeed? You bet your sweet sunscreen I did!

POWER THOUGHT: Take a vacation. It’s good for your heart, mind and soul…. And you get a killer tan!