(303) 818-0555

I go to the gym 6 days a week, otherwise, the stress monger will eat up my insides. I ride a stationary bike that I have named Mike.

I have a love/hate relationship with Mike. There are days when I walk into the gym feeling  great, and I have a horrible ride with Mike! There are days that I feel like crap when I walk into the gym, I walk out feeling like I won the Tour de France. I keep track of food, sleep, water intake, step count, supplements, stretching, and I literally can’t predict how it is going to go with Mike. 

Welcome to the world of interviewing. 

There are days when you interview several candidates, and you end up with no one to move forward. There are days when you end up with numerous people moving forward, but  you can’t tell which kind of day you are going to get. You can keep track of applicants, ads, postings, certifications, and resumes, and you can’t tell what kind of applicant will show up to the interview. 

So, what is a person to do? 

Here’s the bottom line:  what really counts is showing up. Get on the bike and start pedaling. Schedule interviews and conduct them. Have a set time to have interviews every week and keep that time slot on your calendar, just like you keep your gym appointment.  Work through your applicant pool one by one, and eventually, your candidate will show up- usually when you least expect it. 

And, Mike and I will continue to love/hate each other. 

POWER THOUGHT: Mike the Bike has taught me how to manage my expectations…especially on the days that I hate him.