(303) 818-0555

As most of you know, I am a DIE HARD University of Texas Longhorn fan. I am such a fan that my Oklahoma-loving neighbor and I have agreed that we just won’t speak to each other from September 1st to December 1st. We have a very amicable relationship the other 9 months of the year.

When the Longhorns played Kansas, several of the Texas players were interviewed along with the coach Steve Sarkisian, and the mantra was to “Mow Your Lawn.” Each player had a different description to what that phrase meant, because they all have a different job to do on the field. Each player is responsible for their part of the field, and without every individual doing their part, the team won’t perform well.

I have so much respect for this type of leadership! Each person on the team knows what their job is and most importantly, how their job connects to the overall team success. AND, they know all of this with a 3 word phrase: Mow your lawn.

I am happy to say that Texas beat Kansas. After year two, Steve Sarkisian will end this season with an 8-5 record. Better than last year, and with this type of leadership, I have lots of hope for our future seasons.

POWER THOUGHT: Mow your lawn. And Hook’em Horns!