(303) 818-0555

One year ago today, a mangled, scruffy little kitten wandered into my daughter’s apartment. She was hungry, tired, skinny and scared. My daughter, Katy, decided right then and there that she had to help this tiny being that she ultimately named, Dani Lou. Fast forward to today. Dani Lou is a fluffy, happy adventurous cat who fetches and sits for treats on command.

Over Christmas, Katy and Dani Lou came to visit me, and every morning Katy and I would compare notes on Dani Lou’s night-time activities. Our conversations went like this:

Me: Did Dani sleep with you last night?
Katy: Yes, for a while. Then she left.
Me: What do you think she does all night?
Katy: Cat work.

Here is the bottom line: you as the manager don’t know what your staff does all day every day. You especially don’t know all the daily activities of your remote workers. And yet, they get their work done. They meet deadlines. Your clients are thrilled with the work that your company does, and they tell you that. Do you really need to know every minute of every day what your staff is doing? Once your employee earns your trust, give them some free reign to learn something new.

You might be surprised at what they create.

Power thought: Let them do their cat work. Then, you can purr in satisfaction.