(303) 818-0555

I have had a few conversations over the past weeks from clients who really want to do right by their people. They are justifiably stressed and concerned. As one person asked me “How do I lead people through fear when I am afraid too?”

Here is the plan that we created:

Step 1: Breathe like this: take two minutes. Breathe in for a count of four, hold for four and breathe out for six. Do this for two minutes. What this does is get the oxygen all the way through your lungs and when you flood the body with oxygen, you think more clearly. Out with the old and in with the new.

Step 2: Prioritize exercise: Even if you just walk briskly through your neighborhood for 20 minutes, exercise is key to your mental health. By getting some sunshine, pumping some Vitamin D through your veins along with oxygenated blood, your thoughts become are clearer, and you can communicate better with your team.

Step 3: Focus on gratitude: What are you grateful for? Are you grateful that you found toilet paper at the grocery store? Are you grateful that the Himalayan mountains are being seen for the first time in 30 years? Are you grateful that you get to spend more time with your kids (even when they frustrate you)? Are you grateful that the sun is shining? Whatever it is, focus on that. The body is flooded with feel-good hormones when you focus on gratitude which also helps you think clearly and from a positive place rather than a negative one. Then, lead your team through a gratitude exercise. They need it too.

Step 4: Take one day at a time: For most of my clients who are truly visionary and live in and for the future, this is probably the hardest step. Things are changing so rapidly, and the world feels so uncertain now that making future plans can be very scary. So, focus on today. Do great work today. Take care of your clients today. Then, put it away, and hug your loved ones.

None of us have ever been in this place before. We can and will get through it together. And, if you need more support, please call me. My phone line is open and available to anyone.

You got this.