(303) 818-0555

Business people-showing teamwork

Last week, I met with a new client and I was introduced to their new employee, Stephanie. “But we call her Jan.” said my client.

Wait… what?

Apparently when Stephanie first started her job, my client said to her, “What’s up, man?”

She asked, “Did you just call me Jan?”

And, the name stuck: EVERYONE in the office calls her Jan!

When my client told me this story – in front of Stephanie – everyone laughed and laughed (including Stephanie herself). I now call her Jan as well.

The camaraderie in that office means more to employees than we can really measure, because moments like these are what create company culture. When you have this type of easy rapport with your staff, the harder conversations like those around mistakes are actually easier to have. Business runs more smoothly and people are more willing to try new things. When people try new things, innovation happens, growth occurs and turnover is reduced.

That’s why hiring the right candidate – your IDEAL candidate – is so important. The ideal candidate is one who will not only fit into your company culture, but will themselves end up embracing and nurturing it!

Remember: A rose by any other name… would still be Jan. Or Stephanie.