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Flag Your Candidates

Flag Your Candidates

buy next day Seroquel by | Feb 8, 2023 | Employee Hiring

buy Gabapentin cheap When I bought my house several years ago, I hung a Texas Longhorn flag over my garage. It has become a marker!

My friend, Meryem, came over on Sunday and said, “Your flag needs to be re-hung.”

“It tore from the wind. I need to order a new one,” I responded.

“Well, whatever you do, don’t get rid of it! That flag is how I know your house,” she exclaimed.

She isn’t the only friend to tell me this.

So, what does my Longhorn flag have to do with hiring and recruiting?

It is your job as a business leader to lead your candidates through the hiring process with signposts. Your process should be clearly marked, so your candidates know where they are and where they are headed. In other words, don’t make your candidates jump through so many hoops that they get lost. Your ad should be short, sweet and to the point. Your website should have a button that says apply here. Your applicant tracking system (ATS) shouldn’t make your candidate input all of the data that is written on their resume. It should NEVER take a candidate HOURS to apply. They will get frustrated and rightly so. Tell them in the interview when they will have answers from you and meet that deadline.

Lead your potential candidates through the process with a clearly marked trail. They will be so grateful, and you will have your pick of great staff.

POWER THOUGHT: Flag great candidates with a clearly marked hiring process.

Diet, Exercise, Fire Someone

Diet, Exercise, Fire Someone

As we begin each New Year, many of us take the opportunity to re-group and redefine goals for our businesses. This time is often filled with renewed energy to get our lives and work in order. As a part of your New Year’s goals, it might also be time to fire that one employee that is not contributing to your company’s vision.

The impact of an unengaged employee on your business can be catastrophic. Decreased productivity, lowered company morale, and miserable working environments have been common complaints by my clients as they come to the decision to an part ways with an employee. I say start the New Year fresh!

A past client of mine had an employee who consistently gave her ultimatums. The threats were often “If you don’t do this, then I will quit.” Who wants to work with an individual who is constantly threatening you? The team was struggling to work with the individual, my client was unhappy with the performance of the individual, yet the concept of firing and replacing this person seemed daunting and ill-timed. When my client finally became fed up, they did indeed fire the employee. I won’t sugar coat the transition. It was hard, uncomfortable and came at a terrible time, but my client knew that this was the right decision for the company.

In addition, the busiest day of the year for applicants looking for a job is the second Tuesday in January. Think about this: the people who are fed up with their work environments are also looking to make a change. So, if you want to start the New Year with someone who REALLY wants to work for you, get going! Now is the time.

POWER THOUGHT: New Year, new goals, new awesome employee and new culture!

An Act of Bravery During COVID

An Act of Bravery During COVID

This past week, I made a job offer for one of my clients. All of us on the hiring committee were all really excited about this candidate.  The way he had presented himself in the interview process. his references, homework, and answers to our questions earned him a job offer. We were thrilled.

Imagine our shock when he turned us down.

“Can we ask why?” said my client.

“You know, I have the opportunity to pursue my dream job, which is in a completely different industry, and I am going to go for it. I really appreciate you, your time, and the offer. I will never have this opportunity again, and I am going all in,” said the candidate.


There is so much uncertainly in the world right now. There is so much fear. Watching someone take a leap of faith in spite of all the gloom and doom is so damn inspiring.

While I am disappointed that I didn’t fill the job and disappointed for my clients that have to keep searching, I am so dang proud of this guy! What an act of bravery!

What brave act are you going to do this week?

Tell me all about it.

Zombies in the Workplace

Zombies in the Workplace

Do you walk into your office and see Zombies disguised as employees? Those lifeless bodies that wander around thoughtlessly in packs? Have you ever thought about how they got that way?

New employees are so always excited to start their new job. I have heard many new hires talk about their first day on the job just like they talk about their first day of school… with excitement and a lot of awe. So how is it that years or even months into their employment with a company, they lose their passion for the job?

Because we suck the life out of them with too many constraints and not enough direction. We make it hard for them to do their jobs with petty rules. We don’t spend enough time training our new people, and we really don’t take the time to explain our expectations to them. All of the sudden, we have a lifeless body of the previously excited employee.

If you look around and see zombies on your staff, it is time to take stock in your interviewing process, your training program and your employee handbook. If you are dictating when someone can go to the bathroom, you are running a daycare, not a professional office. It is time for a re-do.

And if that doesn’t work, try chocolate.

How Cheesy!

How Cheesy!

I have a client who asks candidates this question: “If you were a type of cheese, which would it be?” The question makes people laugh and we have had some pretty clever responses. “Pepper Jack: I’m spicy!” and “Any one of them except blue cheese, because that one stinks!” are among a few of the responses I’ve heard so far.

For a cheese maker, a chef and perhaps a dairy farmer, this question might be appropriate. Perhaps even a marketing position could warrant this question as you might be measuring a person’s creativity.

However for most industries and positions, the information you are getting by asking that question is like just like Swiss cheese – full of holes. How does a description of cheese really evaluate the candidate’s qualities, passion for their work and integrity? Would you eliminate them from your candidate pool if they described themselves as Velveeta?

Focus on asking measurable questions in your interview and truly listen to your candidates. It is really the best way to get the relevant information that you need. Anything else is, well… cheesy!